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Class cveclassifier

Class diagram of class of cveclassifier.


Function summury
__init__(self, name=’class’, itemtype=’cveitem’, default_name=None, rep=None) This class is a node which describes a complex classifier in a meta model defintion (more…)
set_documentation(self, filename) set the filename for documenting the class (more…)
set_role(self, role=None)  
set_default_name(self, name=None)  
set_abstract(self, abstract=True)  
set_enumerated(self, enumerated=True)  
specialisation(self, *cl)  
add_attribute(self, name=’attribute_new’, classifier=None, cardmin=1, cardmax=1, mandatory=True, default_value=None, specialised=False)  
get_attribute(self, atname) Get attribute of a class by name (including inherited attributes) (more…)
get_attributes(self) Get the list of attributes associated to a classifier (more…)
add_method(self, name, filename, comment=’’) Add a single method to a classifier (more…)
add_methods(self, filename, *args) Add a list of methods to a classifier (more…)
is_specialisation(self, classifier)  
add_callback(self, event, state, callback) add a callback to be processed when an event appear on a given state (more…)
remove_callback(self, event, state, callback) remove a callback to be processed when an event appear on a given state (more…)
get_callbacks_(self, event, state, L=[]) get all callbacks concerning a state for a given event including supertypes callbacks (more…)
get_callbacks(self, event, state)  

Methods desciption :


def __init__(self, name='class', itemtype='cveitem', default_name=None, rep=None)

This class is a node which describes a complex classifier in a meta model defintion name : name of the classifier documentation : vfile identifying a markdown documentation attributes : list of cveattribute specialised_attributes : specialised attributes supertypes : list of supertype for inheritance abstract : boolean to define if the class is abstract or not enumerated : boolean to define that a deep copy of an object containing an instance of this classifier does not create a new instance : keep the same object objectconcerned : if object is concerned else device are concerned default : string representation of the default value for non ‘states’ attributes


def set_documentation(self, filename)

set the filename for documenting the class the file is supposed to be a markdown file to be included in another one. Then titles should be indexed at level two

  • → filename:


def set_role(self, role=None)


def set_default_name(self, name=None)


def set_abstract(self, abstract=True)


def set_enumerated(self, enumerated=True)


def specialisation(self, *cl)


def exported(self)


def add_attribute(self, name='attribute_new', classifier=None, cardmin=1, cardmax=1, mandatory=True, default_value=None, specialised=False)


def get_attribute(self, atname)

Get attribute of a class by name (including inherited attributes)

  • name of the search attribute
  • returns the attribute definition


def get_attributes(self)

Get the list of attributes associated to a classifier

  • returns a list of attributes


def add_method(self, name, filename, comment='')

Add a single method to a classifier

  • → name: method name
  • → filename: file where the method is scripted. The functions may have a signature with almost one parameter which is used as self attribute.
  • → comment: ‘ a short comment’


def add_methods(self, filename, *args)

Add a list of methods to a classifier

  • → filename: the python file where the method are scripted
  • → args: the names of functions to be used as method. The functions may have a signature with almost one parameter which is used as self attribute


def is_specialisation(self, classifier)


def new(self)


def add_callback(self, event, state, callback)

add a callback to be processed when an event appear on a given state

  • → state (string) : state name
  • → event (string) : ‘set’,’ins’,’del’ : stands for the type of event (set state value, insert or del subite
  • → callback : function to execute for a set event : prototype def on_set_cb(instance,state,value) for a ins event : prototype def on_ins_cb(instance,state,sitem,newitem) for a del event : prototype def on_del_cb(instance,state,sitem,suid,stillexist)


def remove_callback(self, event, state, callback)

remove a callback to be processed when an event appear on a given state

  • → state (string) : state name
  • → event (string) : ‘set’,’ins’,’del’ : stands for the type of event (set state value, insert or del subite
  • → callback : function to execute


def get_callbacks_(self, event, state, L=[])

get all callbacks concerning a state for a given event including supertypes callbacks


def get_callbacks(self, event, state)