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A viewer instance describes how to visualise and also how to interact with a 3D Scene.

  • The viewer visualises a hierarchy of graphic nodes called grnodes.
  • A space refers to bookmarks to specific graphic nodes enabling to reconfigure the scene by relocating the spaces.
  • The viewer also identifies observers and selectors. Observers survey incoming events. And a selector may react to an observation to trigger an event.
  • The selector is also associated to an avatar.

    Class Diagram

Class diagram of class of Viewer.

Attributes table

attribute type cardinality
__call__ vstring [1,1]
__debug__ vboolean [1,1]
__startup__ vstring [1,1]
frequency vreal [1,1]
sleep vboolean [1,1]
quit vboolean [1,1]
title vstring [1,1]
application vstring [1,1]
configuration vstring [1,1]
size vvector [1,1]
space Space [0,-1]
scene-camera GRNODE [1,1]
scene-left GRNODE [1,1]
scene-right GRNODE [1,1]
scene-top GRNODE [1,1]
scene-bottom GRNODE [1,1]
scene-origin GRNODE [1,1]
scene-front GRNODE [1,1]
main-menu GRNODE [1,1]
objects GRNODE [0,-1]
configuration-cave vboolean [1,1]
configuration-hmd vboolean [1,1]
fullscreen vboolean [1,1]
3D Mode 3DMode [1,1]
camera Camera [1,1]
light Light [0,-1]
camera-list Camera [0,-1]
driven-timeout vreal [1,1]
interaction-mode Interaction Mode [1,1]
interaction-actor vboolean [1,1]
interaction vboolean [1,1]
NPressed vboolean [1,1]
key-pressed vstring [1,1]
edit-text GR3DTEXT [0,1]
edit-cursor vint [1,1]
screenshot vfile [1,1]
camera-tracker CameraTracker [0,1]
file-selector GRFileSelector [1,1]
selectors Selector [0,-1]
observers Observer [0,-1]
trackball vboolean [1,1]
physics Physics [0,-1]
background vcolor [1,1]
background-texture TEXTURE [0,1]
background-texture-use vboolean [1,1]
panorama-texture TEXTURE [0,1]
panorama-use vboolean [1,1]
skybox SkyBox [0,1]
skybox-use vboolean [1,1]


  • add_object(self,..) : Add an object (graphical node) at the main frame of the viewer < node : the graphical node to add < newitem : boolean True if the object was not referred yet in the cve model otherwise False

  • remove_object(self,..) : Remove an object (graphical node) from the main frame of the viewer < node : the graphical node to add < newitem : boolean True if the object was not referred yet in the cve model otherwise False

  • get_objects(self,..) : Get the list of top objects return a list of graphic nodes

  • buffer_add(self,..) : Add an object (graphical node) at the main from the main transfer buffer < node : the graphical node to add < newitem : boolean True if the object was not referred yet in the cve model otherwise False

  • buffer_move_children(self,..) : Add an object (graphical node) at the main from the main transfer buffer < node : the graphical node to move < father : new father of the node

  • buffer_move(self,..) : Add an object (graphical node) at the main from the main transfer buffer < node : the graphical node to move < father : new father of the node

  • buffer_remove(self,..) : Remove an object (graphical node) from the main transfer buffer < node : the graphical node to add < newitem : boolean True if the object was not referred yet in the cve model otherwise False

  • add_selector(self,..) : add a selector to the viewer
  • get_selectors(self,..) : get the viewer selectors
  • remove_selector(self,..) : remove a selector from the viewer
  • add_observer(self,..) : add an observer to the viewer
  • get_observers(self,..) : get the list of observers
  • remove_observer(self,..) : remove an observer from the viewer
  • save_scene(self,..) : Save just the scene objects. < FileName : the file name without extension “-grnode.cve” will be appended

  • save(self,..) : Save the viewer itself. < FileName : the file name without extension “-viewer.cve” will be appended

  • set_3D_mode(self,..) :

          < mode = 'Cyclope', 'Stereoscopy' , 'Anagliph' , 'Intralaced', 'Left Eye only', 'Right Eye only',  			 'Dresden', 'Red/Blue', 'Side By Side Left Right', 'Side By Side Top Down' 
  • edit_text_field(self,..) : focuss keyboard input towards a textfield < textfield : the text node to be edited Escape key switch this mode off automatically
  • add_space(self,..) :
  • get_spaces(self,..) : Get the dictionary of spaces return DS[label]=node

  • get_space(self,..) : Get the list of top objects return a list of graphic nodes

  • move_space(self,..) :
  • reattach_object(self,..) :

          change object attachment. It is equivalent to unattach and attach again to a new father
          but it is made in a single step and is more efficient. Does not need to recompile the scene
          obj : object to reattach
          father : new father : None it will be attached as a root object
          transform : new relative position : identity if transform in None
          use_reattach : more efficient but not stable when object if moved from a viewer to a second one
  • get_scene_origin(self,..) : get the node at the origin of the scene space
  • get_top_origin(self,..) : get the node at the origin of the top view space
  • get_bottom_origin(self,..) : get the node at the origin of the bottom space
  • get_left_origin(self,..) : get the node at the origin of the left space
  • get_right_origin(self,..) : get the node at the origin of the right space
  • get_camera(self,..) :
  • get_camera_origin(self,..) : get the node at the origin of camera position
  • get_camera_state(self,..) : provides the transform state of the camera and makes the scene camera fit this state

  • screenshot(self,..) : screenshot of the current viewer < filename : the name of a png file where the screenshot will be recorded The file is saved where the reviewer was launched

  • set_cursor_mode(self,..) :

          change the cursor behavior
          < mode
              1 : makes the cursor visible and behaving normally. (The default)
              0 : makes the cursor invisible when it is over the client area of the window but does not restrict the cursor from leaving.
             -1 : hides and grabs the cursor, providing virtual and unlimited cursor movement. This is useful for implementing for example 3D camera controls.
  • set_cursor_position(self,..) : set the cursor position < px E [-1,1] on horizontal axis from left to right < py E [-1,1] on vertical axis from bottom to top

  • set_cursor_cross_hair(self,..) :

          change the cursor behavior
          < boolean True switch to crosshair, False standard cursor arrow
  • get_size(self,..) :
  • add_physics_engine(self,..) : Add a physics engine < phys : the engne to add < newitem : boolean True if the object was not referred yet in the cve model otherwise False

  • remove_physics_engine(self,..) : Remove a physics engine from the viewer < node : the physics engine to add < newitem : boolean True if the object was not referred yet in the cve model otherwise False

  • notification(self,..) :
  • notification_show(self,..) :
  • notification_delay(self,..) :