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Class OGLScene

About :

	An OGLScene is a handle to graphic nodes and ligths The scene is sharable by several canvas in charge to display the scene The scene has no camera nor observer since the displays can provide a specific point of view about the same scene.
Class diagram of class of OGLScene.


Function summury
__init__(self) Create a OGLScene (more…)
get_free_index(self) Get a free index for object (more…)
free_index(self, index) Free a used index (more…)
set_ambient_light(self, r, g, b)  
get_keys(self, node, keys) Get all exist keys (more…)
add_texture(self, texture) Create a dictionnary of texture associated with the canvas correponding to the scene. (more…)
compile_update_data(self, key, offset, data)  
compile_single_node(self, k, node, key, DATA={}, PREV={}, data_only=False, cpt=0)  
compile_group(self, node, key, DATA={}, PREV={}, active=False, data_only=False, cpt=0) Sub method of compile to enter recursively in the compilation of groups (more…)
compile(self, key=’main’, data_only=False, what=None, add=True) update VBOs of associated canvas (more…)
compilation_on(self, compile=True, data_only=False) switch on/of the compilation of objects (more…)
add_node(self, node, space=0, compile=True) Add a graphic node to the scene in a specific space (more…)
remove_node(self, space, key=None, compile=True) Remove a graphic node from a specific space of the scene (more…)
move_node_space(self, node, newspace) move a node from one space to a new one (more…)
set_node_space(self, gr, space, compile=True) put a graphic node in a specific space (more…)
get_nodes(self, space=0) Get scene nodes from a given space (more…)
bounding_box(self, space=0) Get the bounding box of the scene nodes from a given space (more…)
add_canvas(self, canvas) Associate a canvas to the scene (more…)
remove_canvas(self, canvas) Detach the scene from a canvas (more…)
render(self) Redraw the scene in all its associated canvas (more…)

Methods desciption :


def __init__(self)

Create a OGLScene


def get_free_index(self)

Get a free index for object


def free_index(self, index)

Free a used index

  • → index : the object indexed removed


def set_ambient_light(self, r, g, b)


def get_keys(self, node, keys)

Get all exist keys


def add_texture(self, texture)

Create a dictionnary of texture associated with the canvas correponding to the scene.


def compile_update_data(self, key, offset, data)


def compile_single_node(self, k, node, key, DATA={}, PREV={}, data_only=False, cpt=0)


def compile_group(self, node, key, DATA={}, PREV={}, active=False, data_only=False, cpt=0)

Sub method of compile to enter recursively in the compilation of groups


def compile(self, key='main', data_only=False, what=None, add=True)

update VBOs of associated canvas

  • → key : compile the scene object if the VBO associate to this key


def compilation_on(self, compile=True, data_only=False)

switch on/of the compilation of objects when a big set of new objects is added we can switch of compilation, add the objects in the scene and switch on compilation to ensure we do not compile for nothing

  • → compile : boolean to switch on or off
  • ← a boolean to tell if the status change


def is_compilation_on(self)


def add_node(self, node, space=0, compile=True)

Add a graphic node to the scene in a specific space

  • → node : graphic node : OGLNode
  • → space: projection space
  • space = 0 : the node is projected in the global 3D space
  • space = 1 : the node is projected in the camera space
  • space = 2 : the node is projected in the screen space


def remove_node(self, space, key=None, compile=True)

Remove a graphic node from a specific space of the scene

  • → space: projection space
  • space = 0 : the node is projected in the global 3D space
  • space = 1 : the node is projected in the camera space
  • space = 2 : the node is projected in the screen space
  • → key : the reference to the application object; any pythonic instance


def move_node_space(self, node, newspace)

move a node from one space to a new one avoid recompiling node for GPU. Just space information is changed


def set_node_space(self, gr, space, compile=True)

put a graphic node in a specific space obsolete : use move_node_space . It avoid recompiling object for GPU only


def get_nodes(self, space=0)

Get scene nodes from a given space

  • → space : projection space
  • space = 0 : the node is projected in the global 3D space
  • space = 1 : the node is projected in the camera space
  • space = 2 : the node is projected in the screen space


def get_nb_nodes(self)


def bounding_box(self, space=0)

Get the bounding box of the scene nodes from a given space

  • → space : projection space
  • space = 0 : the node is projected in the global 3D space
  • space = 1 : the node is projected in the camera space
  • space = 2 : the node is projected in the screen space
  • ← xm,XM : in the given space : 2 3-tuples


def add_canvas(self, canvas)

Associate a canvas to the scene This method must be called by the canvas itself when the scene is associated to the canvas

  • → canvas the associated canvas


def remove_canvas(self, canvas)

Detach the scene from a canvas This method must be called by the canvas itself when the scene is disconnected from the canvas

  • → canvas the detached canvas


def render(self)

Redraw the scene in all its associated canvas