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Class Button

About :

A button is a graphic node acting as a traditional button widget It is a flat button


Class diagram of class of Button.


Function summury
__init__(self, obj=None, label=’Button’, texture=None, texture_pushed=None, font=None, texture_background=None) obj : the application key (more…)
set_push_color(self, color=(0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 1))  
set_release_color(self, color=(1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1))  
set_push_depth(self, depth=0.1)  
set_label_max_len(self, l) define the current max size to be reserved in GPU for text (more…)
trim_background(self, u=0, v=0, U=1, V=1)  
trim_icon(self, u=0, v=0, U=1, V=1)  
trim_icon_pushed(self, u=0, v=0, U=1, V=1)  
is_pushed(self) returns if the button is pushed (True) or released (False) (more…)
set_colors(self, pushed, release)  
set_toggle(self, toggle=True) makes the button behave as a toggle button. When pushed it is not released automatically (more…)
add_fellow(self, button) add fellow (friends !) when the button is pushed fellows are also activated (more…)
add_antagonist(self, button) add antagonist (radio button !) when the button is pushed antagonists are released and vice versa (more…)
remove_antagonist(self, button) remove an antagonist button (radio button !) when the button is pushed antagonists are released and vice versa (more…)
remove_all_antagonist(self) remove all the antagonist buttons (more…)
remove_all_fellow(self) remove all the fellow buttons (more…)
set_layout(self) set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout (more…)
set_layout_right(self) set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for right direction (more…)
set_layout_bottom(self) set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for bottom direction (more…)
set_layout_left(self) set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for left direction (more…)
set_layout_top(self) set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for top direction (more…)
set_texture(self, texture=None) set the release state texture (more…)
set_texture_pushed(self, texture=None) set the pushed state texture (more…)
set_background(self, texture=None) set the background texture (more…)
set_font(self, font=None, update=True) set the font for label (more…)
set_label(self, label) set the label (more…)
set_label_scale(self, scale=1) Set a scale factor for label respect to icon size (more…)
set_label_color(self, r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1) set the color for the text (more…)
set_direction(self, direction=0) set the relative position of label respect to the icon (more…)
push(self, propagate=True) realize the push action (more…)
release(self, propagate=True) realize the release action (more…)
show_label(self, show=True) show/hide label (more…)
show_icon(self, show=True) show/hide icon (more…)
show_background(self, show=True) show/hide background (more…)
on_shot(self, device=None, picked={}) callback when a device shot the button (more…)
on_unshot(self, device=None, picked={}) callback when a device unshot the button (more…)
on_move(self, device=None, previous_pick={}, current_pick={}) callback when a device move other the button (more…)

Methods desciption :


def __init__(self, obj=None, label='Button', texture=None, texture_pushed=None, font=None, texture_background=None)
  • → obj : the application key
  • → label : label string
  • → texture : pixmap drawn when the button is released
  • → texture_pushed : pixmap drawn when the button is pushed
  • → font : font used for the label
  • → texture_background : texture used to draw the overall background


def set_push_color(self, color=(0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 1))


def set_release_color(self, color=(1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1))


def get_push_color(self)


def get_release_color(self)


def set_push_depth(self, depth=0.1)


def get_push_depth(self)


def set_label_max_len(self, l)

define the current max size to be reserved in GPU for text it is the max of the given size and the current len +1 It avoids recompilation when the text changed unless text overpass the current limit


def trim_background(self, u=0, v=0, U=1, V=1)


def trim_icon(self, u=0, v=0, U=1, V=1)


def trim_icon_pushed(self, u=0, v=0, U=1, V=1)


def is_pushed(self)

returns if the button is pushed (True) or released (False)

  • ← pushed state


def set_colors(self, pushed, release)


def set_toggle(self, toggle=True)

makes the button behave as a toggle button. When pushed it is not released automatically

  • → toggle : True by default, but at its creation a normal button is not toggle


def add_fellow(self, button)

add fellow (friends !) when the button is pushed fellows are also activated

  • → button : anothe button


def add_antagonist(self, button)

add antagonist (radio button !) when the button is pushed antagonists are released and vice versa

  • → button : anothe button


def remove_antagonist(self, button)

remove an antagonist button (radio button !) when the button is pushed antagonists are released and vice versa

  • → button : anothe button


def remove_all_antagonist(self)

remove all the antagonist buttons

  • → button : anothe button


def remove_all_fellow(self)

remove all the fellow buttons

  • → button : anothe button


def set_layout(self)

set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout


def set_layout_right(self)

set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for right direction orefer use set_layout


def set_layout_bottom(self)

set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for bottom direction orefer use set_layout


def set_layout_left(self)

set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for left direction orefer use set_layout


def set_layout_top(self)

set_layout : redraw the button in a correct layout for top direction orefer use set_layout


def set_texture(self, texture=None)

set the release state texture

  • → texture : an OGLTexture


def set_texture_pushed(self, texture=None)

set the pushed state texture

  • → texture : an OGLTexture


def set_background(self, texture=None)

set the background texture

  • → texture : an OGLTexture


def set_font(self, font=None, update=True)

set the font for label

  • → font : an OGLFont
  • → update : if True (default the layout is rebuilt. May be false to delay layout reconstruction for containers


def set_label(self, label)

set the label

  • → label : unicode string


def set_label_scale(self, scale=1)

Set a scale factor for label respect to icon size

  • → : scale factor : by default = 1


def set_label_color(self, r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1)

set the color for the text

  • → r,g,b,a : a diffuse color


def set_direction(self, direction=0)

set the relative position of label respect to the icon

  • → direction
  • 0 : label on icon right
  • 1 : label on icon left
  • 2 : label under icon
  • 3 : label above icon


def push(self, propagate=True)

realize the push action

  • → propagate : boolean : if True (default) the event is propagated to antagonists and fellows


def release(self, propagate=True)

realize the release action

  • → propagate : boolean : if True (default) the event is propagated to antagonists and fellows


def show_label(self, show=True)

show/hide label

  • → show : boolean


def show_icon(self, show=True)

show/hide icon

  • → show : boolean


def show_background(self, show=True)

show/hide background

  • → show : boolean


def on_shot(self, device=None, picked={})

callback when a device shot the button

  • → device : the device which shot the button
  • → picked : picking data (see Canvas pick method)


def on_unshot(self, device=None, picked={})

callback when a device unshot the button

  • → device : the device which shot the button
  • → picked : picking data (see Canvas pick method)


def on_move(self, device=None, previous_pick={}, current_pick={})

callback when a device move other the button

  • → device : the device which shot the button
  • → previous_pick : previous picking data (see Canvas pick method)
  • → current_pick : picking data (see Canvas pick method)