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Beside CVE, its API and the already existing plugins, various functions were developed and are available for agent construction.

  • Math3D: Reference API provides basics for vectorial, and transfomation computation. It is extended with transform package : Reference API
  • CAD Modelling: Reference API the cad modelling facilties is a set of python class which manage a CAD model. This CAD model is usually issued from a convertion from a step file from the following CAD converter. CAD package provides the management of the bill of material of a complex product plus kinematics model. It is extended with a CAD converter tool. CAD converters is a tool to convert STEP files into a json representation which is easier to reuse in other modules.

  • OGL package proposes a set of functions to exchange with a GPU and creates basic viewer. It is used to create visualisation and interaction agent. It enables connexion to HMDs, CAVES, PD desktop, etc.

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