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Class OGLStack

About :

	OGLStack is a simple class to replace a usual gl matrix stack. It reproduces its basic methods
Class diagram of class of OGLStack.


Function summury
load_matrix(self, matrix) replaces the current matrix by the specified one (more…)
mult_matrix(self, matrix) multiply the current matrix by the specified one (more…)
load_identity(self, matrix) replaces the current matrix by identity (more…)
push_matrix(self) adds the current matrix in the stack and keep the current matrix unchanged (more…)
pop_matrix(self) retrieve the last matrix pushed in the stack as the current matrix and removes this last matrix from the stack (more…)
reset(self) removes the stack and load identity as the current matrix (more…)
get_current(self) gets current matrix (more…)
get_current_transpose(self) gets current matrix but transposed. GL specifies matrix in the transpose mode (more…)

Methods desciption :


def __init__(self)


def load_matrix(self, matrix)

replaces the current matrix by the specified one

  • → matrix


def mult_matrix(self, matrix)

multiply the current matrix by the specified one

  • → matrix


def load_identity(self, matrix)

replaces the current matrix by identity


def push_matrix(self)

adds the current matrix in the stack and keep the current matrix unchanged


def pop_matrix(self)

retrieve the last matrix pushed in the stack as the current matrix and removes this last matrix from the stack


def reset(self)

removes the stack and load identity as the current matrix


def get_current(self)

gets current matrix

  • ← current matrix


def get_current_transpose(self)

gets current matrix but transposed. GL specifies matrix in the transpose mode

  • ← current matrix