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Class CurvedPath

Class diagram of class of CurvedPath.


Function summury
__init__(self, obj=None, NB=6, DISCR=5, ratio=0.2) A Curved path is a ruled surface defined by an initial point, a target point and an origin tangent. (more…)
shape_transform(self, D=5, Hn=1, Z=3, w=0.2) set the shape to show a target from point A (more…)
set_orgin_and_target(self, O=(0, 0, 1), t=(1, 0, 0), n=(0, 0, 1), D=10, Hn=0, w=0.1)  

Methods desciption :


def __init__(self, obj=None, NB=6, DISCR=5, ratio=0.2)

A Curved path is a ruled surface defined by an initial point, a target point and an origin tangent.

The ruled surface is splitted into NB segments. Each segment is decreased from ratio


def shape_transform(self, D=5, Hn=1, Z=3, w=0.2)

set the shape to show a target from point A


def set_orgin_and_target(self, O=(0, 0, 1), t=(1, 0, 0), n=(0, 0, 1), D=10, Hn=0, w=0.1)